The Flintstones is an animated sitcom set in the stone age, depicting the lives of the Flintstone family and their friends and neighbors. It was originally broadcast from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 in primetime, but lives on in the form of rebroadcasts, spinoffs, and specials.
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Bonanza is a western television series that ran from 1959 to 1973, spanning 14 seasons and 431 episodes. The show is set around the 1860’s, centering on the Cartwright family, who live in the area of Virginia City, Nevada. The series stars Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, David Canary, and Mitch Vogel. […]
Some Like It Hot
Some Like It Hot is a romantic comedy film set in 1929 starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon. The film is about two musicians who dress in drag in order to escape from mafia gangsters whom they witnessed a crime. The film was produced in black and white, notable subject matter includes cross-dressing, […]